Our newly designed mobile APP has been compiled with the latest mobile programming language and is near completion. Gib.shopping has a number of advantages over its competitors. These advantages are inherent in the programming language and a set of development tools that allows our software to solve problems and disadvantages that other technologies cannot cope with. Our developers are in the final debugging stage to ensure that Gib.shopping can guarantee the customer & the vendor the best user experience possible.
A much needed necessity & service for our local community in the midst of this pandemic to over turn the detrimental effects covid has caused our economy.
Gib.shopping is an online local marketplace & advertising medium, similar to the many online marketplaces out there like Amazon, Etsy or Ebay. The advantages we have over these aforementioned ecommerce giants is that we can complement your local current brick & mortar store or business offline experience & at the same time expand your e-Commerce strategy & solutions resulting in more engagement & potential sales.
We can also simply help connect your current e-Store or website to Gib.shopping & all of your products, collections, inventory, stock, variants or any changes you might want to make in regards to any readable data (title, price changes, import new products etc…) as well as analytics and WILL synchronise with each other simultaneously across all of your platforms/APP/e-store/ & even your POS system, minimizing manual labour as stocks & quantities will also sync providing you with the extra benefit of a fast & secure cross-platform service with precise and accurate analytics!
The latest programming language has been used to build the system and will be compatible with all of your devices and operating systems across all your platforms! It will include many bespoke advanced features, with you the customer in mind & Ease of access for the business owner to sell their products!
Official Launch date – 2020
Isn’t that great!
Keep checking this area for further updates!
Software Development Team